The World According to Harry: Part I
Having previously spoken to work colleagues of Harry Michaels I thought it would be of interest to interview the man himself and share his insights with the world. This is the first of three parts of my meeting with him.
What motivates you Harry?
My family is and always has been my biggest motivation. Everything I do, is for my family. I am a proud man and I like to push the boundaries of my capabilities and those around me, but at the end of the day, my family is number one!
What attributes make a successful person?
I believe you have to have ambition and passion firstly. Without them, it’s very hard to stay motivated. You also need to be honest. There are too many liars in this world and eventually, it catches up with them. Be yourself, be honest and be prepared to work hard.
Who do/have you admire(d)?
I really admire Aristotle Onasis. He had ambition and guts from a very early age, but unlike most people, he was prepared to chase very ambitious dreams. He wasn’t scared to go for it and I love that.
What life advice do you have?
Have ambition and chase your dreams now! Don’t wait. I am a big believer in doing things now. Opportunities get lost when you wait. My good friend calls it “Harry time” which means I want everything done yesterday, it’s who I am. Also, you must be true to yourself. Be authentic. If you are kindhearted, don’t try to be tough in business and vice versa. Know who you are and play to your strengths and remember you can’t be all things to all people.
What do you think is the secret to your success?
I have been lucky, but someone once said ‘you make your own luck’ and I am a very hard worker. I don’t care what time or day it is, if something has to be done, it has to be done immediately. I also always try to look for a better way of doing things. I am very confident in my own knowledge and experience, but I will readily ask an expert where I don’t have the knowledge. You can’t know everything and don’t ever pretend to. Know your limitations.
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